
PEER CADRE trainings organized in Nawalparasi, Nepal

Aug 23, 2017

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) in collaboration with Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) organized a 4-day Community Action for Disaster Response (CADRE) course in Gaidakot, Nawalparasi, Nepal during August 12-17, 2017. This CADRE Course was conducted through the Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER) Stage 4 (2014-2019) being implemented by NSET in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal. PEER is funded by USAID / Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance.

There were 28 participants from various districts of Nepal, namely, from Dailekh, Dadeldhura, Kailali, Jajarkot, and others, representing NRCS’s district chapters. There were also participants from Dharan, Chitwan, and NSET, as well as from the security forces representing Nepalese Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force. The participants were very enthusiastic to learn the different basic skills about search and rescue. Among 28 participants, there were 7 female participants and 21 male participants. A total of 10 instructors from PEER partner organizations, with 1 NSET representative, facilitated delivery of the training. This was the first CADRE training held in Nepal under the PEER Stage 4. In November 2016, similar CADRE courses have been conducted in Islamabad, Pakistan, in partnership with Pakistan Red Crescent.

Mr. Manoj Kumar Thapa, NRCS National Disaster and Crisis Management Committee President; and Mr. Purushottam Subedi, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD), graced the said training event. Both senior officials extended appreciation to NSET and NRCS’s joint efforts in developing community level emergency responders. They also encouraged the participants to do their best in trainings and must act efficiently during disasters.

During the last day of the course, participants took pride in their achievements from the training, and also proposed that institutionalizing CADRE Course at the school level would help in achieving more positive results by teaching the students the basics of emergency response at an earlier stage, which could help them respond appropriately during emergencies. Mr. Amvica Prashad Joshi, CADRE Course Monitor Course; and Mr. Bhoj Raj Gimire, Course Coordinator presented the course results and thanked everyone for working hard during the 4-day course that contributed to successfully completing the CADRE course.


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