Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Making Displacement Safer (MDS): Locally led DRR Solutions for Displaced Populations in Urban Areas

Supporting Agency: GNDR

Making Displacement Safer: Locally led DRR Solutions for Displaced Populations in Urban Areas (Mar 2021- June 2023)

Making Displacement Safer: Locally led DRR Solutions for Displaced Populations in Urban Areas (MDS) is a project implemented in eleven countries in coordination with Global Network for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) and funding support from USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). The project aims to contribute to the substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and assets, for displaced populations in urban areas. It will do this by facilitating on the discovery and scale-out of innovative locally led DRR solutions for displaced populations in urban areas in 11 countries.

MDS in Nepal is implemented by the National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) in coordination with (GNDR). The project was initiated in March 2021 and will be completed in July 2022. MDS will be implemented in a small community of 80 household families of Namuna Tole, at Sinamangal Ward number 9 Kathmandu Metropolitan city.

The Overall objective of the project is to increase resilience of those displaced by disasters who have moved to urban areas. The other objectives are:

» Challenges to building resilience of displaced communities in urban areas are understood
» New knowledge on how communities can build resilience in these complex situations is created and applied
» Urban displaced communities are empowered to lead DRR activities
» Innovative solutions are scaled out in other communities and sectors. The project aims to contribute to the substantial reduction of disaster risk losses in lives, livelihoods and assets for displaced populations in urban areas with the following intended outcomes.

1. An increased understanding of the unique disaster risk challenges for displaced populations in urban areas
2. An increased number of innovative approaches for reducing the vulnerability of displaced populations in urban areas
3. The approaches and stakeholder roles for reducing vulnerabilities of displaced populations in urban areas are institutionalized in national and international systems


The following key activities of each planned outcomes will be conducted to meet achieve the expected outcome from the project.

Outcome 1: An increased understanding of the unique disaster risk

To achieve this outcome, the following is planned:
»  Stakeholder mapping at the community and national level
» Views from the Frontline Lite
»  to be conducted with local actors
»  Capacity gap assessment to be completed  
» Upload your challenge
»  global submission
»  Inception Report

Outcome 2: An increased number of innovative approaches for reducing the vulnerability of displaced populations in urban areas

To achieve this outcome, the following is planned:
»  Submission of case studies from membership
»  Evaluation of existing community projects and tools
»  Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction
»  Formation of partnerships with universities and others
»  Capacity strengthening for local actors involved
»  Pilot approaches tested, implemented, and evaluated

Outcome 3: The approaches and stakeholder roles for reducing vulnerabilities of displaced populations in urban areas are institutionalized in national and international systems

To achieve this outcome, the following is planned:
»  Stakeholder mapping at the global level
»  Roundtable between international actors
»  Development of a 'Cookbook' and other resources
»  Advocacy initiatives at regional and international levels
»  Establishing a 'Innovation Solution Bank'

Project Implementation
NSET will be responsible to implement the project in close coordination with GNDR. A research institution will be involved in the Urban Living Lab which is expected to produce innovative solutions to the problems related to Urban Displaced populations.

National Advisory Committee (NAC) has been formed to provide policy-level directives for the project. The NAC will meet every quarter to follow up and monitor the project proceedings and provide necessary guidance. Coordination of day-to-day activities will be done through the Coordination Committee (Task Force) formed at the local level.

The project will support the implementation of some of the innovative projects from innovation workshops. NSET will facilitate the Coordination committee to implement the innovative solutions.

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