Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Tayar Nepal (Scaling up seismic retrofitting of residential buildings through the local government regulatory system)

Supporting Agency: DAI Global, LLC

USAID Nepal's Tayar Nepal Grant: Scaling up Seismic Retrofitting of Residential Buildings through the Local Government Regulatory System

This is the grant under USAID’s Improved Disaster Risk Management Project- Tayar Nepal issued by DAI Global, LLC under which National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET) works to develop and pilot institutional mechanisms to promote and implement seismic retrofitting of residential buildings. The grant has key focuses on awareness-raising and capacity building among the house-owners, municipal personnel, local engineers, and masons; develop a regulatory system in the municipality to promote and implement retrofitting; and collaborations between the municipality and key stakeholders on the retrofitting process.

The project is conducting followings activities:

- Identify the key issues for promoting the retrofitting of the residential buildings

- Enhance awareness and capacity of key stakeholder on retrofitting

- Collaborate with local government for institutionalizing of retrofitting process

- Develop synergy between local government and key stakeholder on the retrofitting process

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