Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Utthan program

Supporting Agency: USAID

Strengthening Disaster Risk Management Systems for Resilience in Southern Nepal (UTTHAN Program)


Madhesh Province that comprises Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusa, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, Parsa districts is one of the most populous, but smallest province of Nepal. Administratively, there are a total of 136 local levels consisting of 1 Metropolitan City, 3 Sub-Metropolitan Cities, 73 Municipalities and 59 Rural Municipalities.

Flooding is the most common and severe natural hazard in Madhesh. Although, droughts, fires, cold waves, epidemics, hailstorms, animal attacks and snakebites are also major disasters in this province. Thousands of women, children, senior citizens and people with disability are affected by disasters every year. The Des-Inventar data for the past 50 years (1971–2020) on flood loss data show Madhesh has been one of the highly disaster-prone provinces.

With this backdrop, National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET) is implementing Strengthening Disaster Risk Management Systems for Resilience in Southern Nepal under the guidance of National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA). USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) has provided financial support for this program.

This program seeks to build upon the efforts and achievements of Resilient building program that was implemented in urban municipality during the past decade. The program intends to establish safer building construction practice and multi-hazard risk reduction and management in 4 Rural Municipalities: Rajbiraj Municipality (Saptari), Saptakoshi Municipality (Saptari), Bhagwanpur Rural Municipality (Siraha), Aaurahi Municipality (Mahottari, Madhesh Province during June 2024 – Dec 2025.


The overarching goal of “Utthan” program is to “Increased disaster resilience of communities in southern Nepal


The main objective is to “Support strengthening of disaster risk governance and capacities at highly-disaster prone areas in southern Nepal”.

Other Specific Purposes are:

Purpose 1: Support strengthening of policy and institutional systems for disaster risk management

Purpose 2: Support implementation of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and preparedness interventions identified at provincial and local levels.

Purpose 3: Capacity building of local organizations


The activities of three thematic areas are outlined hereunder:

Purpose 1: Support strengthening of policy and institutional systems for disaster risk management

  •  Develop system for Provincial level DRR Coordination Mechanism
  •  Support Provincial and Local Levels for development of required risk management policies, plans, guidelines, SOPs and Standards
  •  Review/update/develop tools and guidelines for hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment at local levels
  •  Support to conduct hazard risk assessment and planning at provincial and local level
  •  Support for developing Local Disaster Climate Resilience Framework (LDCRF), Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan (RSLUP) Implementation Guidelines and formulate RSLUPs.
  •  Develop a volunteer development system and mobilization mechanism at province and local level

Purpose 2: Support implementation of DRR and preparedness interventions including CBDRR activities at provincial and local levels

  •  Technical support and capacity building program for government agencies
  •  Identification and Implementation of Appropriate Training Courses for provincial and local stakeholders
  •  Public awareness campaign
  •  Support for pre-positioning emergency supplies
  •  Strengthening existing Early Warning Systems and support for conducting community evacuation drills
  •  Conduct provincial level table-top simulation

Purpose 3: Capacity Building of local organizations

  •  Identify and support local organization to build their capacities on disaster risk management
  •  Support to conduct Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) and Plan for Institutional Strengthening

The major activities accomplished so far are:

  • Explorative Visit
  • Baseline Survey
  • Submission of Baseline Report to USAID/BHA
  • Development of Work Plan
  • Program Approval from NDRRMA
  • Preparation of Kick off Meeting

Implementing Partners

Koshi Victim Society (KVS)


The program will be implemented mainly in 4 municipalities of Madhesh Province.  However, training and other capacity building activities will be implemented in at least 10  more municipalities of Madhesh Province, Nepal.

Program Duration

June 2024 – December 2025; total 18 months


Utthan Program Brochure in English

Utthan Program Brochure in Nepali

Media Room

NSET Publications


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