School Earthquake Safety Programme (SESP)
Supporting Agency: OFDA/USAID UNICEF Give 2 Asia Global Fund for Children GeoHazards International, USA Maiko High School, Kobe, Japan Support for International Disaster Education, SIDE Kobe SNV Nepal Room to Read Help Nepal World Bank Action Aid Nepal District Education Office Department of Education Save the Children Alliance World Vision Lutheran World Federation Municipalities Village Development Committees and District Development Committees of Relevant Districts Different Chapters of Rotary Club Business Enterprises and Communities of Nepal
Project Period: 1999- ongoing
Country: Nepal
Location within Country: Throughout the Country
The Program:
The findings of the Kathmandu Valley earthquake vulnerability assessment survey of public schools carried out in 1998 were very alarming. The study showed as much as 60% of the public school buildings being highly vulnerable and risky to use even in normal conditions. This situation urged NSET to implement vulnerability reduction programs in schools, which lead to a pilot program of retrofitting one of the public schools in a rural area of Kathmandu Valley in 1999. Since then SESP has been implemented in more than 42 schools in different parts of the country.
The objectives of the programs are:
- Identify and implement measures to reduce the vulnerability through retrofitting of existing buildings or construction of new buildings;
- Raise awareness of earthquake risks and preparedness of teachers students, local and government officials and the local communities; and
- Train local masons on earthquake-resistant building construction technology.