Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Project for Pre-Positioning of Emergency Rescue Stores (PPERS)

Supporting Agency: Civil Affairs Group of the British Army

Country: Nepal
Location within Country: Kathmandu Valley
Project Period: ...................
Implementing Partners:

Ward Disaster Management Committee
Nepal Red Cross Society
National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET)

The Partners:
This project was jointly carried out by NSET and different ward disaster management committees of Kathmandu Valley and was supported by Civil Affairs Group of the British Army. The purpose of PPERS was to provide a reserve of essential tools and equipment to assist in the immediate community level response to a major disaster, such as an earthquake. PPERS is intended to help those ‘first responders’ on the ground at the local level to enable neighbors to rescue neighbors. Organizational structures such as local level disaster management committees and community emergency response teams were constituted as required to assist in setting up the stores and its effective operation. Such stores are pre-positioned in 8 locations of Kathmandu Valley.

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