Technical Support for Earthquake Resistant Housing Reconstruction in Pakistan (TSERR)
Supporting Agency: OFDA/ USAID- PakistanCountry: Pakistan
Location within Country: Bagh / Muzaffarabad
Project Period: March 2006 - July 2007
The Program:
With financial support from OFDA of USAID, NSET has been providing technical support to Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) of Pakistan working in close co-ordination with UN-HABITAT since February 2006. The responsibility included policy support in developing strategies for Earthquake Reconstruction and Capacity Building for Earthquake-resistant reconstruction, and technical support in capacity building including development of training curricula and training of partnering organization and their Master Trainers, Mobile Teams for reconstruction as well as monitoring of the training activities throughout the earthquake-affected areas of the October 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan. Training of Engineers in earthquake-resistant design, refreshers training to engineers, training of masons and development of earthquake awareness materials, provision of assistance in the development of an operation manual for urban housing reconstruction; support implementation of a public awareness campaign etc, were some other tasks undertaken.