Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Technical Support for Resilient Community (TESREC)

National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET) is implementing Technical Support for Resilient Community (TESREC) Program with the name "My Village is Resilient" in 7 Rural Municipalities of Nepal during 2019-2021. United States Agency for International Development / Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) has provided financial support for this program. The program "My Village is Resilient" seeks to build upon the efforts and achievements of building code support programs and intends to develop model of community resilience approach for Rural Municipalities viewing its huge scope of replicability and scaling up the successes, to learn and utilize the experiences, and to utilize the methodologies for rural areas.

The overarching goal of "My Village is Resilient" program is to "Make Rural Communities of Nepal Disaster Resilient".

The main objective is to "Support in establishing model for resilient rural community through safer building practices and preparedness".

Program Components
There are major two components; first component is about establishing framework and systems for ensuring safer building construction in Rural Municipalities; and second component is about developing Model Disaster-Resilient Community - "My Village is Resilient" which will be implemented in three communities.

For this, the program has thematic areas Building and Infrastructures Regulation, Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Planning and Preparedness and Response Planning with Cross-cutting themes.

Program Activities

Key program activities are:

1. Building and Infrastructure Regulations

• Building Regulations

- Building Inventory
- Model Drawings
- Building Permit System
- Building Permit Software

• Land Regulations
- By-Laws
- System for use of open spaces during emergencies

• Infrastructure Regulations
- Infrastructure Inventory
- Infrastructure Construction System

2. Multi-hazard Risk Assessment and Planning

• Assessment
- Comprehensive Multi-hazard Risk Assessment
- Earthquake
- Flood
- Landslide
- Fire
- Local Hazard

• Integration of DRM in development planning
- Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Plan
- DRM into development plan

• Mitigation Activities
- Model Retrofitting of Building and infrastructure

3. Emergency Preparedness

• System of Emergency Response Planning (ERP)
- System of emergency response volunteers
- System of periodic tabletop exercises and simulationsv - Use of Open Space During Disaster
- Preposition of Contingencies

• Community Disaster Prepredness Learning Center (CDPLC)
- Establishment of Robust Communication and Dissemination Mechanism
- Establishment of CDPLC

• Disaster Information Management System (DIMS)
- Disaster Information Management System (DIMS) Guideline

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