In order to achieve each of our strategic objectives within 2030, we shall be committed take following strategic initiatives:
Develop and implement integrated and inclusive interventions related to Multi-Hazard Disaster and Climate Risk Management through development and enhancement of understanding, capabilities, and resources of communities in Nepal and region.
- Develop and implement local, provincial and national level hazard-specific (earthquake, landslide, flood, fire etc.) and sector-specific (education, health, agriculture, industry/ businesses, tourism, energy, infrastructure, and heritages etc.) interventions in order to support Government’s relevant plans and programs for DRM.
- Assist and extend support for the development and implementation of specific programs targeted to various sectors of the communities.
- Formulate and assist in development of systems, policies and guiding procedures to ensure the inclusion of priority goals, strategies and initiatives of global and national frameworks in all the endeavors of public and private sector participants related to DRM.
- Conduct and assist to conduct objective based hazard, vulnerability (physical and socio economic) and risk assessments and to create hazard, vulnerability and risk maps of various scales at various levels in order to ensure their use for infrastructure and development planning, promote hazard risk understanding and awareness at community level and implementation of risk reduction initiatives and programs.
Collaborate with public and private institutions and communities for development and implementation of appropriate methodologies for monitoring and dissemination of hazard incidents with specific focus on earthquakes, landslides and floods.
- Develop and assist for development and implementation of robust mechanism for disaster information management system.
- Scale-up preparedness and capacity building programs like First Aid, Community Search and Rescue, Basic Emergency Medical Response, Damage Assessment, Community Action for Disaster Response, Medical First Response, Collapse Structures Search and Rescue, Hospital Preparedness for Emergencies, Swift Water Rescue, Incident Command System and other trainings to reach to the community and household levels.
- Help in standardization of Tools, Equipment and Accessories (TEA) required for disaster response and help in pre-positioning at various levels.
- Strengthen and institutionalize DRR related trainings and capacity building initiatives aimed towards key beneficiaries, influencers, implementers and actors such as masons, engineers, teachers, contractors, house owners, community leaders, business leaders etc.
- Establish and strengthen regional collaboration for developing common approaches on preparedness and emergency response.
- Develop, pilot and strengthen system of volunteer development, networking and mobilization for effective disaster preparedness and response at local level.
- Develop and strengthen the system of evidence-based consensus key messages formulation on disaster safety and effective dissemination through different mass communication media.
- Assist in consolidation, replication and institutionalization of experiences and lessons learnt from recent disaster response, recovery, and reconstruction.
- Provide technical support and assistance on disaster preparedness, response, recovery and reconstruction. While doing so, focus on institutionalization of continuous process and mechanism of the same at national, provincial and local level.
- Develop and implement objective-oriented community-based disaster risk management programs ensuring maximum utilization of local knowledge, skills, resources, and materials.
Assist in Institutionalization and Integration of validated understanding, approaches and technologies related to Disaster and Climate Risk Management into the laws, regulations, policies, initiatives and mechanisms in order to strengthen Disaster Risk Governance in Nepal.
Develop effective mechanisms of educating, engaging and sensitizing members/ actors/ participants of legislative and judiciary bodies for the cause, methods, approaches, technologies, and practices related to DRM and CRM in order to integrate and institutionalize them into mainstream federal, provincial and local level policies, programs and initiatives.
Create institutional approaches, mechanisms, and collaborations in order to play a key role in advocacy and assistance with all the levels of the government for the purpose of institutionalization of the approaches, methods, technologies, practices and concepts validated and perfected over the years by NSET and its collaborators, partners and stakeholders.
Assist in development and implementation of hazards and sector specific National Programs for DRM and CRM.
- Develop and assist in development, implementation and testing of preparedness and emergency response plan for disasters and complex emergencies that considers self-help, mutual assistance, and public support at national, provincial and local levels.
- Assist in development and updating of national standards and codes for infrastructures and critical facilities for disaster and climate change resilience.
- Assist in development and institutionalization of disaster impact assessment system for development projects.
- Assist in formulation, strengthening and implementation of guidelines for Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan and Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan for local governments and assist in integration into development planning process.
- Support and increase engagements of local governments with academic and research institutions for research based and scientific DRR approaches through utilization and channelization of NSET’s network and collaboration.
- Assist in development and establishment of systems and mechanisms of evidence-based monitoring and evaluation of plans and programs related to DRM at national, provincial and local level.
- Advocate and assist in formulation and integration of accountability framework in order to enhance disaster risk governance at local level and help create adaptive and transformative governance for DRM.
Devise and integrate innovative, cost-effective and appropriate methods and measures in order to increase involvement and investment of public and private sector in Disaster and Climate Risk Management.
Take key role in developing, institutionalizing and managing the process of creating wider, deeper and effective networking among various DRR and non-DRR related stakeholders of public and private sector in order to advance the cause of DRM and CRM.
- Create appropriate mechanisms of advocacy, collaborations and win-win relationships for increasing roles, responsibilities and accountability of the private sector towards DRM related cause by:
a.Helping them to conduct/ operationalize Business Continuity Planning (BCP) at institutional level,
b.Having them adopt the cause as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),
c.Helping them develop and operate business models associated to the cause.
- Initiate, facilitate and support for the development of a credible coalition of national-international and public-private partners in order to create, explore and learn about the various aspects, solutions, experiences, approaches and technologies related to DRM.
- Co-create and advocate for establishment/ development for institutionalization of risk sharing model among private sector participants.
- Facilitate for development and operationalization for standing arrangements for mobilization of private sector resources during emergencies.
- Advocate and facilitate for capacity building and mobilization of political parties and their sister organizations to support disaster responses like search, rescue and relief operation at various levels.
- Enhance the engagement and provide technical support to various humanitarian support mechanisms, platforms and clusters for effective disaster preparedness and emergency response.
Develop and promote effective and inclusive collaboration in order to enhance and scale-up innovation and R&D in the area of Disaster and Climate Risk Management.
Take a key role in integration of scientific and technological evidences and innovative practices and science and technology strategic plans from across the collaborations and networks within the country, region and beyond, as well as assist in appropriating the local wisdom and indigenous technologies into DRR and CCA causes, policies, practices and solutions
- Establish and/or collaborate with multiple Academic/ Research institutions in order to produce knowledge, concepts, methods and technologies related to multi-hazard and cascading disaster risk management.
- Develop mechanisms, systems and processes for creation, effective management and utilization of funds dedicated towards scientific research, development and innovation in the area of DRM.
- Help enhance meaningful collaboration of various universities, academic and research institutions with local governments and communities in order to link science to people; helping them derive mutual benefits from each other with regard to evidences, ongoing innovations and scientific and technological researches.
- Support for development and implementation of communication and dissemination system through use and leveraging of advancements in modern information technology in activities and approaches related to disaster preparedness and response.
- Create an effective network and facilitate inclusive collaboration among young professionals, students, academicians, experts and practitioners related to DRM and CRM sector in order to generate innovative ideas, approaches, methods and practices in order to advance the cause.
Be a dynamic, sustainable and learning organization through enhancement of capabilities, networks and collaborations.
Develop deeper understanding and capacity for the aspects of multi hazard, multi sector DRM and CRM through integration of proper human resource development approaches within the organization.
- Integrate "innovation" into organizational identity, policies, processes, practices, leadership, approaches, behaviors and working environment in order to advance NSET's identity towards 'the most innovative civil society organization' in the nation.
- Explore the worthiness and viability of strengthening the institutional presence of NSET in provinces and local levels.
- Create and successfully implement sustainable revenue generation and funding model/ mechanism in order to ensure financial sustainability of NSET.
- Establish Trust Fund (NSET Foundation) and proper fund management strategy for funding various strategic initiatives of NSET.
- Explore the viability of a lawful course and advocate for transformation of the legal status of NSET from current form (NGO) to more autonomous form as a professional society which shall open up wider array of opportunities to contribute in the field of DRM and CRM nationwide and internationally.
- Develop a robust and value-based governance system that shall set a higher standard and instill more dynamism in organizational leadership through broadening of diversity-based membership which shall include stakeholders from non-DRR sectors and actors/ participants of civil societies.
- Transform the organizational design from project/ programme based divisional structure to purpose based thematic divisional structure which shall be conducive for effective operationalization and implementation of all the strategic initiatives.
- Create a system and mechanism for higher retention rates among employees. Such a system and mechanism would also incorporate a viable solution for the continual engagement and contribution of the NSET Alumni.
- Create a separate unit and system within NSET that is responsible for Knowledge and Innovation Management within the organization.
- Integrate, scale-up and enhance the use of effective ICT solutions in organizational and programme/project management level.
- Creating proper talent management system and networking mechanism in order to engage young professionals, academicians, students and experts from across the sectors and geographies for securing their contribution towards the strategic initiatives of NSET.
Time Line
