National Society for Earthquake Technology–Nepal (NSET) has completed 30 years of NSET's action. This year on June 18, NSET marked the day as "
A Day to Reaffirm the Commitments to Disaster Resilience" in an event organized at NSET Office premises.
NSET was founded on June 18, 1993 for the broad but very explicit cause of ensuring earthquake safety in the hazard-prone urban as well as backward societies of Nepal and contributing to the regional and global level at large. NSET's 10-Year Strategic Plan (2021-2030) now envisions to contribute to build "Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050".
NSET President Dr. Amod Mani Dixit in his address expressed gratitude to the government of Nepal at federal, provincial and local leve, partners and collaborators, well-wishers, supporters, and other contributors. Dr. Dixit shared NSET’s motivation to serve the people and communities with same and yet added amount of dedication and efforts as it had had 30 years back and has been having throughout the course of past 3 decades. On the occasion, Dr. Dixit had also shared key achievements and learnings of NSET in the past 30 years. Expressing appreciation for continuous support and inspiration for keeping the good work up, Dr. Dixit remarked, “it was with your support what we have achieved today. We have not only demonstrated the good work within Nepal but also outside of Nepal. The noted awards and recognitions that NSET has received clearly prove it."
The event was joined by Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan from Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Senior Officials from NDRRMA and other ministries, departments & government agencies, representatives from UN agencies, Senior Officers from Security Forces, representatives from Municipalities and also from various stakeholders including DRR Professionals, Professionals Societies, Academia, Civil Society Organizations, I/NGOs, Media, Private Sector Businesses, Communities. Invited guests observed NSET stalls that showcased NSET's recent initiatives through display materials, 3D Model, publications, photographs and visuals. Also, a Landslide Demonstration was done on the occasion.
Earlier, the program had started with the National Anthem sung by NSET troupe. The day’s proceedings concluded with in-house cultural & entertainment performances where various dancing and singing performances made by groups of NSET staff.
News coverage on Newatimes.Com:
30th NSET Day marked
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