Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Creative teams oriented on Earthquake Safety Issues

A group of creative people from film making and visual production got oriented on key concerns and considerations of earthquake safety in Nepal. NSET in sequence of connecting with people from various walks of social life interacted with this group with the view to help them better understand the issues and henceforth propagate messages of safety in their creative works reinforced in any of its possible form. Total 22 participants were with diverse creative personalities as writers, actors, editors, camerapersons and directors from Chandra Vinayak Movies, Solution Media, Nirman Sanchar Sewa, Watchdog Media and All Three Media Ghar.

NSET Media professionals Mr. Anil Upadhayay and Ms. Laxmi Khanal facilitated the orientation session. They did presentation on various aspects but in sequence the hazards, risks and safety measures to apply. Participants interacted and also shared their experiences very enthusiastically.

On the occasion, Dr. Amod Dixit in his brief keynote speech emphasized on the very need of collective efforts to reduce the losses from potential threats while Mr. Khadga Sen Oli had highlighted on NSET efforts through media and creative platforms to help propagate safety messages.

As a part of awareness raising campaign under USAID/OFDA funded “Public-Private Partnership for Earthquake Risk Management (3PERM)” program, NSET is working with various media houses and creative teams for the production of tele-film, short films and TV PSAs.


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