Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Regional Workshop on Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) held in Pokhara

Regional Workshop on Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) has been held in Pokhara during December 8-9, 2016. The main objective of the workshop has been to promote learning and sharing the policy to action level practices of District Education Offices (DEOs) for integrating Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)/Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) into educational framework for safer schools and better learning environment.

Secretary of the Ministry of Education Mr. Santa Bahadur Shrestha had inaugurated the workshop. Addressing the inaugural session, Secretary Mr. Shrestha stressed on the importance of making schools hazard resilient and ensure that the children are able to get education in fearless, peace and inclusive environment. A total of 34 participants (33 male and one female) including District Education Officers and DRR Focal persons of the 16 districts falling in Western Region and Western Regional Education Directorate actively participated in the intensive learning and sharing process.

This is the second Workshop conducted under the partnership program led by Department of Education (DoE) and supported by UNICEF. NSET is providing technical support for the implementation of the program. Earlier, the first Workshop of this sequel had been conducted in Nepalgunj covering the DEOs of mid and far western regions during November 30 – December 1 2016. That was inaugurated by the Minister of Education Mr. Dhani Ram Poudel.

The Workshops are next planned for next regions. The processe intends to enhance initiatives of DEOs to identify key issues, approaches, strategies, challenges and ways for integration of comprehensive School safety (CSS) and DRR/CCA in district education plans as well as SIP and developing appropriate monitoring system for effective implementation. Further to this it is to discuss the roles and responsibilities of DEOs in emergency and enhance the institutional accountability, cluster leadership and coordinated response (cluster leadership and coordination) in education sector.


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