Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

'Comprehensive School Safety implementation at Baitadi' Training to Teachers Conducted

Department of Education, District Education Office, Baitadi District with support from UNICEF Nepal and technical support from NSET- Nepal conducted three events of 'Training to Teachers on School Based DRR/CCA' beginning from 1st December 2016 to 15th December 2016 at Baitadi. A total of 81 teachers (72 male participants and 9 female participants) from 56 schools of Baitadi attended the training. A total of six Resource Persons and NSET Program Officer Mr. Ishwor Joshi were the facilitators of the training in all the three training.

The major objective of the training is to build capacity of teachers on Comprehensive School Safety and incorporate DRR/CCA in School Implementation Plan (SIP). The trained teachers are further mobilized to conduct training to teachers, students, School Management Committee (SMC) on disaster preparedness in schools, emergency preparedness and response plan for multi hazard context, to conduct earthquake drills as well as to find out the potential hazards and ways to make them safer.


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