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NSET completes 28 years of its Journey
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) has completed 28 years of its institutional journey. Established on June 18, 1993 with the mission to enhance seismic safety of Nepali communities and also contribute to building disaster resilient communities, NSET observes the day as 'A Day to Reaffirm the Commitments to Earthquake Safety".
To mark the Day, a virtual event has been organized on June 18, 2021 considering the current COVID-19 pandemic situation in Nepal.
Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Executive Chief of National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) in his address briefed on the current disaster situation due to floods and landslides in the various parts of the country and response efforts being conducted. Mr. Pokhrel highlighted the NDRRMA Priorities & Plan and also expected roles from institutions like NSET. He also appreciated NSET endeavors and extended best wishes for the worth journey ahead.
NSET President Dr. Amod Mani Dixit shared about how NSET was conceived 28 years back paying tributes to the pioneers and founders of this institution. Dr. Dixit highlighted the major achievements and learnings of NSET during its 28 years journey. "NSET has set some of the important milestones in Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal," Dr. Dixit mentioned.
In the program, NSET Executive Director Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha briefly presented NSET's achievements and lessons?of the past one year 2020-2021. "During June past one year, NSET adopted new mode virtual and hybrid formats to train trained 397 engineers, 218 masons, 200 community first responders, 141 emergency responders with advance emergency response courses and 95 teachers among others. Despite this pandemic situation, the number of people trained on Disaster Safety and Safer Construction has reached to 1264 during the period," Mr. Shrestha remarked. NSET Annual Highlights is available here.
On the occasion, Immediate Past President of NSET Mr. Varun Prasad Shrestha congratulated NSET members and wishes for the worth journey ahead.
NSET General Secretary Mr. Shreeram Singh Basnet briefly talked on NSET's establishment, its journey and also on future direction.
NSET Board Members Mr. Yogendra Parajuli, Mr. Surya Bhakta Sangachhe, Mr. Tika Sharma and Mr. Surya Prasad Acharya also addressed the program and encouraged NSET Members and staff for the worth journey ahead.
The formal program was followed by "Work Experiences sharing during pandemic time from NSET Staff". Altogether 11 staff representing various NSET projects and divisions shared their experiences, both work related and personal, while during 'Work From Home (WFH)' mode adopted due to Covid-19 pandemic.
NSET Deputy Executive Director Dr. Ramesh Guragain facilitated the NSET Day program.
The formal session was followed by Thematic Talks conducted with the view to guide and encourage NSET staff to add values in their professional works.
Invited speaker Mr. Suyog Dhakal who is a noted storyteller talked on "The Art of Story Telling: Turning Employees into a Storyteller". Mr. Dhakal discussed on various aspects of storytelling and emphasized this could add value in professional works.
Another invited speaker Mr. Laxmi Ngakhushi, noted Photo-journalist talked on "Understanding about?Photography:?Tricks and Techniques". Mr. Ngakhushi shared his ideas and works to stress how best photography could be made.
Third speaker Ms. Pavitra KC, NSET Communication Officer talked on "Use of New?Media: Podcast". Ms. KC shared on podcast practice and possible ideas to conduct NSET Podcast. More than 125 participants including NSET Board Members, Guests and NSET staff joined the program.