Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Event List

Orientation on earthquake resistant building construction and Non Structural Mitigation held for house owners
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) in collaboration with Society for Urban Poor (SOUP) and Shapla Neer Nepal has concluded an orientation on earthquake resistant building...
MERCY Malaysia hosts a Side Event in Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9)
MERCY Malaysia hosts a Side Event in Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9)

The Theme of the Ninth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) “Cities 2030,...
Documentary show program held in Patan Durbar Square premises
With the view to raise the awareness of the general public on various aspects of earthquake risk management, a documentary show program covering the earthquake preparedness and response, earthquake...
National Symposium held on Earthquake Risk Management and Risk Reduction concludes
As the country now is in the transition to federalism, various experts and professionals highlighted the important role and responsibility that local governments have in overall disaster risk...
20th Earthquake Safety Day marked
Nepal has marked Earthquake Safety Day (ESD) with various awareness raising programs across the country on January 16, 2018 commemorating the Great Nepal-Bihar Earthquake of 1934. The main function...
Orientation Program on Earthquake Safety for Deaf and People Hard of Hearing Held
An orientation Program on Earthquake Safety for Deaf and People Hard of Hearing was organized at NSET office on January 11th 2018. The program was jointly organized by NSET and National Association...
Nepal marking 20th Earthquake Safety Day
Nepal is marking 20th edition of Earthquake Safety Day (ESD) on January 16, 2018 with weeks-long program activities. Nepal marks Earthquake Safety Day (ESD) every year on 15 or 16 January (Magh 2...
Journalists from Baliyo Ghar partner media discoursed on reconstruction issues and priorities
"Baliyo Ghar" Program has conducted Media Workshop on "Promoting Safer Reconstruction" in Kathmandu during November 2-3, 2017. The workshop intended to discourse on current reconstruction issues...
Three-day training on Advanced Design Course on Seismic Safety of buildings concludes
A three-day program on “Advanced Design Course on Seismic Safety of Buildings” held on 9-11 October 2017 in Kathmandu has been successfully completed. The program was jointly...
One more batch of TFI Graduates produced under Baliyo Ghar program
One more edition of Training for Instructor (TFI) course has been accomplished under Baliyo Ghar Program, a technical assistance program funded by USAID and implemented by NSET. Altogether, 28...

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