Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Event List

HAN-Kanchanpur Chapter to enhance disaster resiliency of hotel sector business
The Hotel Industry in Nepal shares a major stake of national economy and is considered to have the highest local private sector investment in Nepal with the recorded investment of around Rs. 100...
World Habitat Day 2014 marked in Nepal
Government of Nepal, Department of Urban Development & Building Construction, Ministry of Urban Development In Collaboration  with UN agencies, NGOs, INGOs, Media, Civil Society Networks...
International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR Day) 2014 Observed
The International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) is observed on 13th of October annually worldwide after the resolution made by The UN General Assembly.  The IDDR is a day to celebrate how...
Emergency Response Training to Hotel Sector Stakeholders
'Promoting Public Private Partnership for Earthquake Risk Management in Nepal (3PERM)'  program being implemented by NSET with the auspices of USAID/OFDA  has been able to sensitize...
NSET led three days of Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA) training at Bhaktapur
NSET has been undertaking community based disaster risk reduction activities for many years. NSET led three days of Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA) training from 26 to 28 Bhadra 2071 at...
AFL Nepal: Frontliners review Disaster Risk Management Plan and Program
Community frontliners from Ward No.12 of Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City intensively worked on finding ways to identify and tackle local risks. The participants from the community, local government,...
NSET signs MOU with Lalitpur Chamber of Commerce and Industries (LCCI)
Business community must come forward and work towards disaster risk reduction of the country to show that they are there not just for profit but for the betterment of the society at large as well...
One day orientation and sharing workshop on
One-day orientation and sharing workshop on Disaster Inventory/Information Management System in Nepal (Nepal DesInventar) was held on September 18, 2014. The workshop was jointly organized by...
Community Based Disaster Risk Management training held in Balthali, Kavre
NSET organized the five-day Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) training for community people. Training was held from 19th to 23rd Bhadra 2071 at Balthali Village Resort,...
Municipalities to work intensively for effective Building Code Implementation in the West
Planning workshop on Building Code Implementation in Municipalities concluded on September 19, 2014 at Nepalgunj with the development of framework of Action plans for effective implementation of...

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