Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Event List

Tour & Travel sector to enhance disaster resiliency
With a view to bring travel and tourism sector stakeholders in disaster risk reduction process and raise disaster risk awareness in this sector by implementing various collaborative works...
Interactive Talk by Cosmonaut Vladimir Djanivekov
April 17, 2013; Cosmonaut Vladimir Djanivekov, 5-times space traveler from Russia today shared his cosmic experiences with Nepali professionals from various technical and academic societies....
Regional workshop of GEM held in Nepal
The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation, Italy and the National Society for Earthquake Technology Nepal (NSET) jointly organized a South Asia Participatory Workshop of the Global Earthquake...
DRM Planning Workshop in Dharan
NSET has this week been facilitating a DRM planning workshop in Dharan Municipality. Dharan, like all of Nepal, is prone to earthquakes, being severely affected in the 1988 Udaypur earthquake....
Building on the Capacity of the Community to Perform Search and Rescue Operations in Disaster
More than 200 Community Volunteers   from different parts of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Kirtipur municipality have been prepared to perform the Light Search and Rescue Operations in case of...
"Earthquake without Frontiers: A Partnership for Increasing Resilience to Seismic Hazard in the Continents" launched in Nepal
The collaborative research project on “Earthquake without Frontiers: A Partnership for Increasing Resilience to Seismic Hazard in the Continents” has been launched in Nepal formally on...
15th Earthquake Safety Day Celebrated
Nepal marked its 15th Annual National Earthquake Safety Day (ESD) this January 15, 2013. The National Earthquake Safety Day is a day to raise awareness and share information and experiences on...
Engineers' Workshop on "Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings"
Engineers’ and Sub-engineers workshop on “Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings” was conducted on 19-21 June at Agricultural Training Centre, Thimi, Bhaktapur....
Masons training on Earthquake Resistant Building Construction
In order to support Vyas municipality for Building Code Implementation and to enhance the capacity of local masons and municipality professionals, a 5 days Masons training on Earthquake Resistant...
Training workshop on Views from the Frontline Project VFL-2011
A two day Training Workshop on "Views from the Frontline” Project (2011) was organized during 4-5 January 2011 at Shree Meeting Hall NSET Office building, Bhainsepati, Lalitpur. The main...
Owner Builders Trainings on Earthquake Risk Reduction
With the main goal of making the urban communities safe from earthquake and to enforce the implementation of Nepal National Building Code five different Owner Builders Trainings on Earthquake...
NSET participates in the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE) was held from 24 to 28 September 2012 in Lisbon the capital city of Portugal. WCEE is a mega event observed every four years. The last WCEE...
Training of Trainers (TOT) on earthquake risk management in Kathmandu
A total of 24 persons got trained from the 5 day Training of Trainers Program (TOT) organized for the Resource persons from the Recourse Centers of District Education Office of all the three...
Students Summit on Earthquake Safety 2012
''We the 150 participants of international Students' Summit on Earthquake Safety 2012, hereby pledge to make Nepal Disaster Resilient by reaching all families, Communities and settlements with...
Training of Trainers (TOT) on earthquake risk management in the Eastern Region of Nepal (Dhankuta)
26 persons got trained from the 5 day Training of Trainers Program (TOT) organized in Dhankuta during 27 June-1 July 2012. The participants of the training program were the Resource persons from...
19 Years of Action
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) has Completed 19 Glorious Years of Action. NSET was founded on June 18, 1993 with the main objective to help enhance Earthquake Safety of...
HF Station set up at NSET
Nepal's Amateur Radio community is progressing appreciably during the later time. Now the organized efforts are more focused on strengthening Nepali Amateur Radio as one of the most reliable...
NSET's Efforts Towards Build Back Better
It has been almost 6 months since the Himalayan earthquake struck on September 18 2011 causing huge damages on the eastern part of Nepal but no substantial effort has been made so far to address...
National Workshop on Hospital Earthquake Safety
Implementing Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Programs in Hospitals in Nepal

As the lead organization for supporting the Government of Nepal in the implementation of Flagship 1,...
Accelerometer installed at CELC/NSET premises
As a collaborative initiative of National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET), Nepal Engineering College (nec), Kathmandu and Ehime University, Japan; four accelerometers have...
National Workshop: Multi-stakeholder consultation for monitoring of progress on HFA implementation at local level
The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) monitoring and review process is intended to promote a collaborative approach to measure progress through the engagement of multiple stakeholders from...
Training Course on Basic Incident Command System (ICS) for Disaster Management

Training Course on Basic Incident Command System for Disaster Management was organized on 1st May 2012 at Disaster Management Training Center of Armed Police Force, Kurintar, Nepal. The...

Training Practicum on "How to use ham radio in disaster circumstances"
Nepal faces a variety of natural hazards. The frequency and intensities of natural hazards are very high. Earthquake is one of the most significant natural hazards the entire country faces. The...
14th National Earthquake Safety Day

Commemorating the devastating earthquake of 1934 that quaked on 15th of January 1934 (i.e. 2nd Magh 1990 as per Bikram Sambat calendar) in Nepal-Bihar region, Government of Nepal had...

Roundtable Dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction in Areas of Conflict

ADRRN Roundtable Dialogue entitled “Disaster Risk Reduction in Areas of Conflict” was convened by the Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) with...

Training workshop on Views from the Frontline Project VFL-2011
A two day Training Workshop on "Views from the Frontline” Project (2011) was organized during 4-5 January 2011 at Shree Meeting Hall NSET Office building, Bhainsepati, Lalitpur. The main...
Disaster Preparedness for Safer Schools in Nepal - Phase 2 (DPSS2) launched
Making enabling and creative environment for the implementation of Disaster Preparedness for Safer Schools in Nepal 2 (DPSS2) project at local and national level was the main objective of this...
Nation Celebrates 14th National Earthquake Safety Day 2012
ESD Main Highlights
National Symposium
Celebrating the 18th NSET Day, June 18 2011
National Society for Earthquake Technology–Nepal (NSET) celebrated its completion of 18 years of its institutional mission on June 18, 2011. To mark this precious occasion, a special function...
NSET Constitutes New Management Committee
The General Assembly of National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET) held on August 17 2010 unanimously constituted new Management Committee for the next five years tenure. Mr....

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