Third WCDRR Opens, global focus is on what to focus next?
The Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) was kicked off today in Sendai, Japan. It will be held from 14 to 18 March 2015 in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture....
Nepal Wood International Expo came to an end
Nepal Buildcon l Wood International Expo 2015 was held from 27th February to 1st March at Bhrikutimandap where National Society for Earthquake Technology- Nepal participated under the project...
Emergency Response Training to Medecins du Monde
MDM with technical assistance of NSET organized Light Search and Rescue (LSAR-1001), Basic Emergency Medical Response (BEMR-1001) and Damage Assessment (DAT-1001) Training for their entire staff...
Community awareness on Earthquake Risk Reduction & Preparedness Activities
An awareness presentation on Earthquake Risk Reduction and Preparedness was organized on Saturday 14th February, 2015 at Lubhu, laitpur. The Orientation was conducted to the staffs of...
Masons Training started at Bhimeshwor Municipality
As a part of NSET's Building Code Implementation Program in Municipalities of Nepal (BCIPN), Mason Training on Earthquake Resistant Construction of Building for masons and contractors working...
Orientation Meetingsheld in partner radios in the east
NSET team conducted Orientation Meetingswith partner radios in the east. NSET is partnering with 28 radios all over the country to raise public awareness on earthquake safety and help promoting...
Interactive Presentation Session on -Earthquake Risk Reduction and Business Continuity Planning for Private Sector in Nepal
Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) and NSET (Under 3PERM Program supported by USAID) organized an Interactive Presentation Session on "Earthquake Risk Reduction and...
17th ESD Earthquake Safety Exhibition
Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Mr. Bamdev Gautam inaugurated the Earthquake Safety Exhibition which targets to disseminate and demonstrate various techniques of...
National Earthquake Safety Day National Meeting
Honorable Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Bamdev Gautam who leads the 17th Earthquake Safety Day Main Committee inaugurated the 17th National Earthquake Safety Day National Meeting...
17th ESD Earthquake Safety Rally
To elevate the level of public awareness, perception and attitude towards earthquake risks as well as to poke deeper into their conscience to do the needful preparedness and safety activities...