Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Event List

18th Earthquake Safety Day (#18thESD) marked, President of Nepal launched National Reconstruction Mega Campaign
Commemorating Great Nepal-Bihar Earthquake of 1934, Nepal marked 18th Earthquake Safety Day (#18thESD) on January 16, 2016. President of Nepal Vidya Devi Bhandari amidst an august gathering at...
Nepal adds one more lot of Medical First Responders
Twenty-four Officials from security agencies of Nepal have recently graduated in Medial First Responder (MFR) Course. NSET in collaboration with Nepal Police conducted the Course during December...
Media Training Workshop on Disaster Reporting held
Focus on enhancing safer reconstruction in Post Gorkha Earthquake situation

With a sole objective to boost media personnel’s understanding on key issues of Disaster Risk Management...
USMCA2015: Excellent Young Researchers Awarded
Congratulations to young scientists who grabbed Excellent Young Researcher Award for their papers presented in #USMCA2015.

The awardees are:

Kalinchowk FM celebrates 9th Anniversary, partners’ support acknowledged
Kalinchowk FM 106.4 MHz, Dolakha celebrated 9th Annivarsy on November 7, 2015 with varieties of programs. To continue with past trend, the radio celebrated this episode in Jilu, Tahale some 7 Km....
The first TOT training under the Baliyo Ghar program has concluded successfully
The Training for Trainers on Earthquake Resistant Construction Technology has concluded in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 3rd November 2015. The last day of training included individual presentation...
USMCA2015 concluded successfully
The 14th international symposium on new technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia (USMCA2015) was concluded successfully in the capital city of Nepal. The internationally acclaimed...
International Symposium starts in Kathmandu focusing on various facets of Urban Safety
The 14th International Symposium on New Technology for Urban Safety of Megacities in Asia has been started in Kathmandu.Mr. Som Prasad Pandey, Chief Guest, Minister, Ministry of Industry has...
United States increases Support to Housing Reconstruction
The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), today announced three initiatives to support the Government of Nepal’s model of owner-driven housing...
CSAR (Community Search and Rescue) and DAT (Damage Assessment Training)
The INSTRUCTORS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING (CSAR-1001 and DAT-1001) organized by UNDSS (United Nations Department of Safety And Security) with technical support from NSET (National Society for Earthquake...

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